Thursday, May 23, 2013

Copy Cat

Today you and I spent 2 hours outside working in the yard. I figured out how to be a little more productive doing yard chores... let you help me! I needed to dig up and clean out the flower beds - and if I gave you a spoon you'd dig up right along side me. If I pulled up weeds and threw them in a pile off to the side - you'd pull off a flower or leaf and throw it too. Same with weeds in the dirt - but you'd just get a big hand full of dirt. I also tried to edge the side walk with a butter knife. Ya know - cut the chunk of grass that hangs over the edge of the side walk. I got a lot done because you had a butter knife too! You stabbed the grass and the dirt and the side walk with gusto!  
But my favorite copy cat move you're doing now is getting the eggs from the nesting box, carrying it back to the front door, and into the egg carton (I have brought out). It took some practice... you did trip and smash the egg a couple of times (which made you cry) or just throw it into the house (which made me cry). 
You are the greatest :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I cried (with laughter) at the idea of him throwing the eggs into the house.

But Mama, they're just like balls!