Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dear Carrie - future knitter.

You're christmas request is so easy! It's just a big square!
You can learn to knit!

I love to knit because it's travel size (depending on what you are working on, of course) but you can take it any type of waiting room, meeting, changing the oil, waiting for hair cut, or just a quiet activity but you remain productive. I also love that it is almost a mindless craft. That you can watch tv or a movie and knit away.

If you are new to knits - I would suggest getting a set of needles you LOVE in size 6. I use 6's the very most and wanna love those needles. I would suggest wood or bamboo vs metal. Your yarn can slide right off a metal needle.
A good thing to learn first - is the square wash cloth.

You'll want cotton for that project.

Next! Yeah for Youtube - why re-invent the wheel when it's already on youtube.

You'll want to cast on:
This video is good - can't see what's she's doing very well -but the instructions are written out. It's the easiest way I've see it done.
This video is how I do it - but it's tough to see on video.

You'll want to cast on 25.

As the 2nd video says..... don't pull yarn too tight on the needle. Keep it loosy goosy.
Tight yarn will stress you out.

Then you knit!

This video does another good job of showing cast on .... but then shows you how to continue. ...

Hold your work in the left hand and 'knit' it on the right hand. When you're finished with the row (like it shows in the video) switch the needles to the work (already knitted part) is in the left hand and your knit again to the right.
Over and
over and
over and
over and
over and...... sigh.... And you'll see a little square forming. :)
REMEMBER to keep the stitches loosy goosy.... not flopping around.... but not ultra tight on your needle.

Ta Da! The Garter stitch.
You're first blogger knitting lesson.

--- from these standards I'm ULTRA patriotic. :)

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