We chose to see the capital of course. Didn't go inside - the outside really is impressive enough. Can anyone tell me why there is a 19 foot statue of an Indian on our capital? Not that I have a problem with it - just want to know why?
(Ben is so good at one handed pictures...)
Another angle of the capital - Ben and Phyllis.
Above is the ceiling of the Library of Congress. A place that was not high on my list - but was on Ben's IF he could see the Gutenberg Bible. Which he did- and I found a display of hand written letters written between Washington, Jefferson and other founding fathers. That really was so neat. It's hard for me to picture these historic figures as real people some time - but when you are looking at their hand writing... it makes them kinda real!
Below is the WWII memorial. I thought it was really awesome and conveyed from the artist VICTORY!
Kim and Ben and FDR's Dog.
Very good.
How fun! last time I went I was 9 so I need to go back. :)
If you haven't already, check out the HBO miniseries about John Adams, adapted from the David McCollogh(sp?) biography. It makes the Founding Fathers quite real, for better or worse.
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