Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Mattress

Next mile stone completed - mattress + water proof pad + sheets = more prepared.
So - baby stuff is expensive. In order to help out on the financial front - If found a mattress on craigslist for 20 bucks! A lucky find.
After work Ben and I stopped by Hastings while I got confirmation from the seller and the address of where to come check it out. On the way to the car - we spot a lock smith guy in a van with a dead battery. We offer and he accepts our help - I say to him with the price that he give us directions to this mattress address I have. As Ben is fishing out the cables, I read off the address to him and he give me a little bit of a shocked stare... saying... 'you know that's not a great neighborhood...'
*Now. I need to explain that because of my previous work experience I have learned that there are shady people in 'good looking neighborhoods' and good people in 'not good looking neighborhoods'. And Wenatchee's standard of 'not a great neighborhood' looks like Kaysville compared to some of the places in Ogden I have been to. Okay.. moving on...*
Ben and the lock smith attempt to jump his van. For whatever reason they couldn't get it to work and sparks were flying every where. The lock smith guy said thanks but no thanks and that help was on the way .. I'm sure freaked out by our sparking Corolla. He gives me the directions to the mattress house one more time then checks out my prego-state and says "Does he know where you are going?"
Dude... we're not crossing into enemy lines...
We get in the car and mr lock smith asks Ben if he's clear on the directions and if we had a flash light with us.
Okay okay I get it! You are scared you are going to see us on the news that night...
It's hard not to be on 'high alert' after such a warning or that the street you are looking for is called 'Terminal".... but ... I gotta tell ya. It wasn't bad. Across the street from the elementary school. Mini van in the drive way. It was a little family with young kids - and the Mama ran a day care out of their home. She was trying to switch out the couple of cribs she had for pack and plays to save space. Very sweet family. I could have stayed for tea and crumpets. Ben and I laughed all the way home about the 'wrong side of town' and what a sissy Mr. locksmith was.

The mattress was great, pretty much like new. I still bleached the sugar out of it but saved like 40 bucks and DODGED DEATH on the bad side of town.
good grief.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mr Stowell says he wouldn't want to go wandering around Terminal in the middle of the night. (And he's been to some scary slums in the Dominican Republic.)

You probably dodged death. But, you're right: good people in 'bad' neighborhoods, bad people in 'good' ones. :)