Thursday, February 19, 2009

Little Celebrations

Life can be so boring some times. So Ben and I find times to have silly celebrations. Shakes up a daily routine. There was a time when I put sprinkles in all Ben's food.... 'now it's a party!' Party pancakes, party pears, party milk, party mustard.... you get the idea.

So this last weekend marked one year of having Reggie -- therefore ---


Yeah! It's my birthday! What'd ya get me??

I love this action shot. See the size of mouth? Yikes.
...Now he's gotta go hide it from Tally....
What else did ya get me?

Don't worry - he didn't really Barf.... just freaked me a out a bit...


Had so much fun on my birthday.... now i need a nap....

(This is what Reg looks like 90% percent of the time...)

What are you celebrating today? :)

1 comment:

nat.alie said...

That video is so funny. So funny. Nano was laughing SO hard.