Do you have a place where stuff just gets stuck? Mine is the trunk of my car. I know that there are things back there. Not much - but things I haven't touched in YEARS. I guess I don't pull them out because I think - 'Where else would I put them? I will get them out when I have a place to put them".
I was looking for something totally different in the trunk... when I found 3 grocery bags of books. I knew there were books back there.... but which books? Hum.
It turned into a real gold mine of memories.
Some of my favorites are these 3 text from some of my favorite classes: Gender studies, Environmental/social issues, and Asian studies. Maybe I'll try to read them again. ... maybe...
Aw. I found a large pile of church books that I feel close too - these two are just cute.
One of the BEST finds was a journal from 2004. I'm pretty good at keeping up on journal entries (thanks to the Journal jar, Ma!) This journal had stories I forgotten and pictures I didn't know I still had!
This is "Homeless night" on USU campus - Matt and Ben. This picture was taken by Jen who was silly enough to go with them. :) Homeless night - was students sleeping out on the quad with out sleeping bags (the tough ones like ben) .... to raise homelessness awareness? The purpose i'm not clear on. Jen, Matt, and Ben tried to convince me to go. "Uhhhh - I'll be aware from home". It was late fall and freezing.
Jen! 2004 - the first year I was with Ben .... Me, Jen and Anna went to vegas for Valentines Day! That truly was a blast!
Oh goodness - this was my only school dance - college home coming. Not all that exciting but the preparation was way fun. We got ben a tux with tails in Brigham city - and my Mom helped me make the shiny red skirt. I still wear that...
This is one of my favorites. March of 2004 Kim , Ben and Matt took a spring break trip to San Fransisco. There are good fun memories mixed with --- "If I have look at these boys one more day...." :) I was only 20! Ben was only 23! He turns 30 this year!!! Very cute old picture.
Do all findings like this make you feel old. I feel old - but even more attached to my hubby as I remember JUST HOW LONG we've been together and how many fun things we did.
Where are some of your things 'stuck'?
Aaawwww happiness!! I love those pictures. Currently I am trying NOT to let things get stuck in little corners around the house... stacks of pictures in frames, the microwave, boxes of random stuff left over from moving... really trying hard not to let them just become part of the scenery. We'll see how successful I am.
For a different kind of "stuck", I'm curious what a Journal Jar is. Maybe you could share for those of us who don't document our days so easily? Fun pics, by the way.
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