Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Okay. I'm posting it.

Yeah. I can't believe it either. I ask my 4 readers not to post anything on face book. It's been an annoyance to me. Impersonal posting about a life changing event right after "so and so" posts about taking the laundry down the stairs and someone else saying "I'm lonely today" just to get 700 'you're awesome' impersonal comments.

Okay I'm done. :) But I figure if you watch my blog, we have some sort of relationship and you already know - or... I don't have your personal email. :)

(Just so you know, Ben is fine. Great in fact. Remember the days when he told me he doesn't see babies - just women hugging the air? Those days are far behind us and he's totally awesome.)

So. It's been hard to far. Sick. Sick. Sick. It's really great that I don't have to try and get up and function and get my butt to work... because I'm pretty much KOed until about 2pm. Good news.. I only barfed once today! Hooray!!!

Haven't been doing much but I can only show you Kim's view of Wenatchee so far. (mostly just around the house).

Our first garden produce

Big Dog on Ben

Rhubarb - Wenatchee style.

A portion of the front room.

Pretty view up the Cascades.

My little blue house.

Kitchen. There is a small dining area behind me.

More pictures to come and I'm sure more pregnancy stories. ALL ADVICE WELCOME. I do read your blogs and take your advice (christy - first thing I did was buy a nice pair of running shoes because you said it helped with support, energy and foot swelling.)

Ta Da.


Amanda Fetters said...

Holy rhubarb. Nice house, too. I've already given you the "my bff is pregnant" freak out, so I'll spare you. But you know we're stoked. Today's tip of the day is that you need to get your hands on a copy of the Happiest Baby on the Block and start practicing your swaddle on a teddy bear or Tally or something. I WILL QUIZ YOU ON THIS SO DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME. And if anyone, I mean ANYONE, tells you to read Baby Wise, run. fast.

Melissa said...

Congrats!!!! We are excited for you guys! I love your little place! Glad that you are having lots of fun adventures in Washington!

Melissa said...
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Ames said...

Yaaaay! Congratulations! That's so exciting!

So sorry you've been sick. Get yourself some Dryer's/Edy's Fruit Bars. They were my best friend during that zero-desire-for-food first trimester. Also, for when the heartburn kicks in in a couple of months, Tums Smoothies taste just like Smarties.

Actual baby advice? Yeah...I got nothin'. We'll be learning together. :)

Hannah said...

WooHOOOO! You didn't mention how far along, or a due date? I am too, but also not telling anyone, partly because I'm ashamed that #3 is an accident. LOL

Advice: DO NOT read "What to Expect When You're Expecting." I'm a hippie though, so take it or leave it. :) P.S. I agree with Amanda's advice.

Good luck with the barfing, I hope it ends soon! Mine just got bad, I'm 7 weeks....ughhhh

Oh, and I love your new place, and I know your little family will be happy there!

Michele said...

Kim - I just love your place (after all the time you spent scrubbing and toiling away on it)!!! You and Ben look ready for the nesting period and have the perfect little set up to do it in - now if the hurling would just stop...
I think of you every day and what your comment would be on some off the wall event at work - and people still tell me they wish you were the one doing a match meeting instead of me!
But really, I'm so happy that you are off on your new adventure in spite of the difficulties of it for you and the fact that I miss you :)

Christy said...

congrats!!! yes...running shoes all the way! and running socks too. I totally lived in them the third trimester.

Jodi said...

HOORAY! Congratulations! I hope you start feeling better soon.

LRH said...

Congrats on the pregnancy! And you have way more than 4 readers:) What a cute house! My mantra during pregnancy has been to avoid facing facts as long as possible. Hence I did not read the much maligned "What to Expect" book either, and have had a blissfully stress free pregnancy. And you could always run in the running shoes! Or walk:) One friend of mine said that exercising decreased her nausea.

Dan M. said...

why is everyone congratulating you? Your rhubarb isn't THAT big. I mean, it's okay, but let's everyone keep our shirts on. Well, I'm off to facebook now...